Thursday 1 November 2012


This will always be a contentious issue with emotions sometimes clouding  people's better judgment.  This party is of the belief that the United Kingdom has through the centuries been enriched in terms of it's culture, it's language, it's politics and it's standing in the world by the peoples from around the world it has welcomed to it's shores.  There is no doubt that our islands are a richer and better place because of this immigration.  However, the world has changed.  The UK has changed.  Long gone are the days of empire when Britain was the workplace of the world.  Only nine percent of the economy is manufacturing based and  the global economic climate has resulted in austerity measures not seen since the dark days of the seventies.  Upon being elected this party would put in place measures to end all immigration into the United Kingdom at the soonest opportunity.  

Measures would include the immediate launch of a bio-metric ID card for all British citizens from the age of sixteen.  The policy will include the forced repatriation of all illegal immigrants to their country of origin.  This is irrespective of whether or not the illegal immigrant has subsequently had a family since his or hers illegal entry into the UK.  We will not stand in the way of any family member who wishes to join their spouse/farther/mother when they are repatriated and will provide them with the finance required to do this.  If the country of origin can not be established or the person refuses to divulge this information, the said illegal immigrant will then be interned and expected to work to pay for their food and board.  This will continue indefinitely until they volunteer the relevant information.

Marriage abroad will not grant the spouse or any offspring automatic British Citizenship.  If a British Citizen wishes to marry a foreign national then we wish them lots of success in their new country.  Any foreign born national who has been granted British Citizenship who subsequently commits a criminal act against the person will have their citizenship revoked upon completion of their prison sentence and will be forcibly repatriated to their country of origin.  There will be no time limitations attached to this policy and it will be enacted retrospectively.  Criminal acts against the person will include any serious assault, mugging, sexual assault, rape, murder, kidnap, living of immoral earnings (pimping), human trafficking  child molestation, child abuse, and others to be decided after consultation. 

Any British Citizen who visits a foreign country with the purpose of participating in activities deemed to be a direct threat to the UK will not be permitted to re-enter the UK.

Those foreign nationals who have settled in the UK as European Union Citizens will be provided with the necessary financial assistance to facilitate their repatriation.  Those who have British born children or a British born  spouse will be permitted to remain after they become British Citizens.

We will continue to provide a safe haven for those people who flee oppression or the threat of death with open arms.  However, any foreign national who arrives on these shores seeking political asylum who has passed through another country which is considered a safe haven will be forcibly repatriated irrespective of the regime in their country of origin.  We expect therefore that if they are genuine in their claims, they will claim political asylum in the first safe country they enter and not continue on to the UK.  

These policies will not apply to  Irish born nationals. Foreign born does not apply to anyone born of British parents abroad.  These policies will remain dynamic and a special committee will be established to review our immigration policy on a regular basis. 

Tuesday 23 October 2012


After becoming pretty much disillusioned with the mainstream political parties in Great Britain and finding the extremist parties repugnant, I thought I would start my own center-right party. (Fictional of course, I haven't got a deposit to lose)! And over the coming weeks I will be setting out my manifesto for the next general election.  I don't profess to have all the answers and I have done little or no research to support my position   However, I doubt many of the politicians I hear on a daily basis have much idea what they're spouting on about and I believe that my opinions are just as valid as any of theirs!  So for better or for worse and without prejudice, I present this, my manifesto of my new political party The National Liberal & Unionist Party of Great Britain.


This party believes that the United Kingdom would be better served to be apart from a Union of European States.  Trade with our European partners is an important part of our economy and the free movement of people and goods no doubt has it's advantages. We (I) believe however that there are far more disadvantages to being a member and upon taking office We (I) would immediately begin the process for the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union. 

Doing this would have it's consequences, but would Europe stop trading with us because we're no longer a part of a Union which has increasingly infringed upon our Sovereignty and our right to self Government?  Unlikely.  It would mean the repatriation of non UK citizens and the redrafting of the EU legislation that we approve of to conform with our Parliament, but this is a small price to pay for regaining control of our law and our boarders.

As a nation we have a long tradition of trade around the globe and this is where we should be concentrating in the future.  China and India are the fastest growing economies in the world with enormous populations just aching to taste consumerism in all it's many indulgent flavours.  Under the leadership of the NLUP the UK would steer our economy in order to satisfy the hunger for goods and services by these countries and the other emerging economies of South America.  This would be easier achieved by acting alone rather than as part of a failed economic union.

We (I) do not expect that the Ryder Cup, the Heineken Cup or the Champions League would be unduly effected by this policy of withdrawal.  

We (I) very much welcome your thoughts and I will be publishing details of how you can join the party shortly.

The next blog will cover the Party's position on immigration, so don't miss that!